IMAP Assay Components
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Based on the specific, high-affinity interaction of phospho groups with trivalent metal-containing nanoparticles (beads), IMAP is a generic, non-antibody-based platform to assess kinase, phosphatase, and phosphodiesterase activity. An enzyme reaction is performed using fluorescently labeled substrate. Addition of the IMAP Binding System stops the enzyme reaction and initiates binding of the beads to phosphorylated substrates. Binding of the substrate to the beads, which correlates to enzyme activity, can be detected using either FP or TR-FRET as a readout.
Benefits of IMAP Assays
- IMAP provides a complete assay system for screening kinases, phosphatases, and phosphodiesterases
- Because IMAP assays are not antibody-based, they are generic and can be used for any kinase, phosphatase, or phosphodiesterase
- Robust fluorescence signal gives reliable results with good Z factors
- IMAP assays are homogeneous and amenable to miniaturization for greater cost savings
- IMAP assays are available in both FP and TR-FRET detection modes to meet users' screening needs
IMAP Assay Components
Configuration | Part Number |
R7470 |
R7471 |
R7505 |
IMAP PDE cAMP SUBSTRATE 120 nmoles Fluorescence labeled cAMP substrate 120 nmoles for IMAP phosphodiesterase (PDE) assays, sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction. |
R7506 |
IMAP PDE cGMP SUBSTRATE 20 nmoles Fluorescence labeled cGMP substrate 20 nmoles for IMAP phosphodiesterase (PDE) assays, sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction. Replaced R7090 |
R7507 |
IMAP PDE cGMP SUBSTRATE 120 nmoles Fluorescence labeled cGMP substrate 120 nmoles for IMAP phosphodiesterase (PDE) assays, sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction. |
R7508 |
FAM-CROSSTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRPRTSSFAEG-COOH, substrate for Akt1, Akt2, Akt3, MSK1, MSK2, SGK1, Plk3, sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7110 |
FAM-EGFR-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide LVEPLTPSGEAPNQK-5FAM-COOH, substrate for JNK1, JNK2,JNK3, p38 (α,β,γ,δ isoforms), sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7129 |
FAM-P34CDC2-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-KVEKIGEGTYGVV-NH2, substrate for Src, Fyn, Lck, Yes, Hck, Rse, sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7157 |
FAM-P34CDC2-DERIVED PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-KVEKIGEGTYGVV-NH2, substrate for Src, Fyn, Lck, Yes, Hck, Rse, sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7172 |
FAM-S6 RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-AKRRRLSSLRA-COOH, substrate for ROCK-II,Rsk1,Rsk2,Rsk3,Tab1,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7184 |
FAM-S6 RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN-DERIVED PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-AKRRRLSSLRA-COOH, substrate for ROCK-II,Rsk1,Rsk2,Rsk3,Tab1,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7229 |
FAM-PKATIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRTGRRNSI-NH2, substrate for Aurora A, PKA, PKG,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7250 |
FAM-HISTONE H1-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GGGPATPKKAKKL-COOH, substrate for CDK1/Cyclin B, CDK2/Cyclin A, CDK2/CyclinE, CDK3/CyclinE, CDK5/p25, CDK5/p35,CDK6/Cyclin D3,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7252 |
FAM-IκBα-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRHDSGLDSMK-NH2, substrate for IKKβ, IKKα,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7254 |
FAM-PKATIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRTGRRNSI-NH2, substrate for Aurora A, PKA, PKG,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7255 |
FAM-HISTONE H1-DERIVED PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GGGPATPKKAKKL-COOH, substrate for CDK1/Cyclin B, CDK2/Cyclin A, CDK2/CyclinE, CDK3/CyclinE, CDK5/p25, CDK5/p35,CDK6/Cyclin D3,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7257 |
FAM-ERKTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide IPTTPITTTYFFFK-5FAM-COOH, substrate for Erk1, Erk2, p38 (α,β,γ,δ isoforms),sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7292 |
TAMRA-EGFR-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide LVEPLTPSGEAPNQK-5TAMRA-NH2, substrate for JNK1, JNK2, JNK3, p38 (α,β,γ,δ isoforms),sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7307 |
FAM-CK1TIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-HAAIGDDDDAYSITA-NH2, substrate for CK1, CK1δ,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7311 |
FAM-CK1TIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-HAAIGDDDDAYSITA-NH2, substrate for CK1, CK1δ,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7312 |
TAMRA-PKATIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5TAMRA-GRTGRRNSI-COOH, substrate for PKA, PKG,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7313 |
FAM-EGFR-DERIVED PHOSPHOPEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled phosphopeptide LVEPL-pT-PSGEAPNQ(K-5FAM)-COOH, substrate for assay calibration,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7319 |
TAMRA-CDK7TIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5TAMRA-YSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPS-COOH, substrate for CDK7,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7352 |
TAMRA-ROSTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5TAMRA-KKKSPGEYVNIEFG-NH2, substrate for Ros, Met,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7383 |
FAM-P38TIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-IPTTPITTTYFFFK-NH2, substrate for Erk1, Erk2, p38 (α,β,γ,δ isoforms),sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
R7434 |
FAM-CAM KIADR/SYNAPSIN CHIMERA PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-LKKLRRRSDANF-NH2, substrate for CaMKI,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7005 |
FAM-PKCε PSEUDOSUBSTRATE DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-RKRQGSVRRRVH-OH, substrate for PKC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7030 |
FAM-PKCα PSEUDOSUBSTRATE DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-RFARKGSLRQKNV-COOH, substrate for PKCζ,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7032 |
FAM-IP3R-DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRRESLTSFG-NH2, substrate for PKA, PKG,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7035 |
FAM-ALTERNATE SYNTIDE2 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-PLSRTLSVSSLPGL-NH2, substrate for c-TAK,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7045 |
FAM-CREBTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GEILSRRPSYRK-NH2, substrate for MSK1,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7046 |
FAM-CDK7TIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-YSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPS-OH, substrate for TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7116 |
FAM-DYRKTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-EPPQSQEAFADLWK-NH2, substrate for TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7119 |
FAM-P53 DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-RRRFRPASPLRGPPK-OH, substrate for Dyrk1A, TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7120 |
FAM-MBP DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-ATGPLSPGPFGRR-OH, substrate for Erk2, TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7123 |
FAM-P44 DERIVED PEPTIDE (AA200-218) 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-FLTEYVATRWYRAPEIMLN-NH2, substrate for MAPK, TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7131 |
FAM-EXTENDED PLM DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GTFRSSIRRLSTRRR-OH, substrate for Nek2, IRAK4,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7140 |
FAM-RS DOMAIN DERIVED PEPTIDE 8K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GRSRSRSRSR-OH, substrate for SPRK1, IRAK4,sufficient for 8,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7153 |
FAM-PKCε PSEUDOSUBSTRATE DERIVED PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-ERMRPRKRQGSVRRRV-NH2, substrate for PKCγ, Pim1,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7548 |
FAM-GENERIC SER/THR PROTEIN KINASES SUBSTRATE PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-KKRKSSLRRWSPLTPRQMSFDC-NH2, substrate for PKA, PKC, CAMK, MAPK, TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7609 |
FAM-CDK7TIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-YSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPS-OH, substrate for TKL, STE, CK1, CMGC,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
FAM-EXTENDED PLM DERIVED PEPTIDE 50K dp Fluorescence labeled peptide 5FAM-GTFRSSIRRLSTRRR-OH, substrate for Nek2, IRAK4,sufficient for 50,000 data points based on 100 nM in reaction |
RP7640 |
Additional discounted configurations available for customers performing several high-throughput screens in a year. Please contact your local sales representative or call 1-800-635-5577 for more information.
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