Human Colorectal Cancer Organoids

Human Colorectal Cancer Organoids

  • $2,961.00


Patient-Derived Organoids (PDOs) are derived from adult stem cells from colorectal cancer patient biopsy tissue. When grown under controlled conditions to the scale and consistency necessary, they are an excellent cancer model on which to test potential new therapeutics and predict patient response in early-stage drug discovery. 

Molecular Devices’ technology enables the growth and expansion of PDOs. We currently have ten 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoids (PDO)  lines available that cover a spectrum of genetic sub-types representing key oncogenic mutations. These organoids are cryopreserved, supplied from large scale batches.

Part Number Product Description Tumour Site Duke’s Stage Mutations Number of Organoids per Vial Price (USD)
OES-ISO34-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO34 Transverse Colon A APC, BRAF 100,000 2,961
OES-ISO38-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO38 Sigmoid Colon C1 APC, TP53, SMAD4 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO48-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO48 Caecum C2 PIK3CA, CTNNB1 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO49-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO49 Lower Sigmoid C1 APC, TP53, KRAS (G12D), PIK3CA, FBXW7 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO50-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO50 Rectum C2 APC, TP53, KRAS (G12V), SMAD4, SMAD2 100,000 4,066
OES-ISO57-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO57 Upper Rectum A APC, TP53, KRAS (G13D) 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO68-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO68 Sigmoid Colon C1 APC, TP53, KRAS (G13D), SMAD4 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO72-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO72 Caecum B APC, KRAS (G12V), ERBB3 100,000 2,290
OES-ISO75-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO75; Media B (Wnt/Rspo) Caecum C1 BRAF, ARID1A, MSH3, RNF43 100,000 2,271
OES-ISO78-CXP1 3D Ready™ Colorectal Cancer Organoid, ISO78; Media B (Wnt/Rspo) Caecum C1 APC, TP53, KRAS (G12D) 100,000 6,281

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